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Padepokan Tari Langen Kusuma, was establish in Kercopan environment Area. Kercopan is a development site of a Reyog Ki Singo Kusumo group, which is located in three villages; Kertosari, Cokromenggalan, and Patihan Wetan. The actions of the Reyog Singo Kusumo group in the Kercopan area were very encouraging in the era of the 90s - until the early 2000s, until the birth of the mini Reyog community, Si Buyut Katong, where all the achievements have been achieved in the festival. About a decade from 2000 to 2010, reyog associations still survived, even if only from small job responses, which seemed to make this reyog group stand on only one foot.

Until finally, around the end of 2013, the enthusiasm of Kercopan youth and youth to revive Reyog Ki Singo Kusumo and Si Buyut Katong's art again blazed, with the establishment of a group with a new name, namely "Padenokan Langen Kusumo Dance" which was inaugurated since January 26, 2014 Over time (within a year) Padepokan Tari langen Kusuma was able to develop rapidly, as evidenced by our group members not only from the Kercopan environment, but many interdisciplinary artists from various regions in the Ponorogo district. Even so with the formation of this new group, it is hoped that it can become a forum for the creativity of the younger generation and Kercopan children and all artists in Ponorogo district in general to continue to preserve Reyog traditional arts and the development of artistic creativity from various disciplines, both dance, music, theater and art.

Experience of art performances, staging the opening of Grebeg Suro and FRN 2014, by performing the Kolosal dance drama "Asmara Ing Surukubeng" Director Dedy Satya Amijaya S.Sn, M.Sn (Artistic Director of Padepokan Tari Langen Kusuma); The full moon night show 2014, with the dance work "Angkara jalma", Work of Ria Arifin (Choreographer Padepokan Tari Langen Kusuma); The dance works "Laskar Keling" and "Niken Gandini" were performed at the Festival of Regional Dance and Song Works in Surabaya, choreographer Dedy Satya Amijaya; Colossal Dance Drama "Banjaran Bujang Ganong Gandrung" Opening of FRN in 2008 Director Dedy Satya Amijaya, Performance of the Kolosal Dance Drama ‘Semarak Porkab 2014", for the opening of PORKAB Ponorogo in 2014, director Dedy Satya Amijaya and Afif Kurniawan. The Reyog Mini Festival in 1996,1997,2000,2004,2014 produced by Padepokan Tari Langen Kusuma. In addition, quite a lot of works have been produced by members of Padepokan Tari Langen Kusuma, both on a local and national scale.


Setiap elemen masyarakat harus selalu menjaga dan melestarikan seni budaya bangsa. Langen Kusuma hadir mencoba menggali potensi generasi muda untuk membangkitkan kembali dan terus mengembangkan kesenian yang ada di Nusantara.


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Pesan / kesan mitra yang telah bekerja sama dengan Langen Kusuma.

Tim Ahli

Langen Kusuma didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga professional dengan latar belakang pendidikan kesarjanaan dan magister serta tenaga-tenaga terampil dan professional.

Tim Management

Langen Kusuma didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga professional dengan latar belakang pendidikan kesarjanaan dan magister serta tenaga-tenaga terampil dan professional.


Portofolio berfungsi sebagai acuan yang gunakan dalam melihat capaian–capaian yang telah didapatkan Langen Kusuma.